Universidad de Cantabria       |      zimbra

RESEARCH: Projects


Name:Mobility Concepts for IMT-Advanced - MOBILIA
Duration:2008-04-01 - 2010-09-01
Programme:Celtic Programme – Plan Avanza


TTI NorteSpain
University of CantabriaSpain
Instituto de TelecomunicaçöesPortugal
SigintSolutions LtdCyprus

MOBILIA project targets some of the ITU IMT-advanced requirements for future wireless systems. The IMT-advanced vision of future network as being formed of interworking access systems will also be considered. A derived target is to obtain an increased aggregate throughput/ user satisfaction vs. existing systems.

MOBILIA will address these various challenges, mainly in the context of WiMAX, covering, at least, IEEE802.16m, 802.16j and beyond. Other complementary technologies will be also analyzed, e.g. WiFi to perform relaying in the framework of IEEE 802.16e. For that, MOBILIA will study the following enabling technologies:

    - Multiple antennas (MIMO) schemes and algorithms.

    - Relaying schemes: cooperative relays, which can be seen as “virtual MIMO”, and may compensate spectral efficiency unbalance within a cell.

    - Cross-layer techniques for multi user MIMO and relays, assessed by system level simulations. One of the main rationales for these techniques is energy harvesting.

    - Network and functional architecture supporting the efficient and transparent cooperation between heterogeneous wireless access networks.

    - Framework to adapt services to underlying resources.

    - Reconfigurability at the user terminal.

The project will have some show-cases; real platforms will be used as a proof-of-concept.

Our group acts as the technical coordinator of the project. In addition we lead the workpackage dealing with upper layer solution. As technical contributions, we have participated in the definition of the Mobilia architecture, the evaluation of different access algorithms by means of simulation activities as well as the design and development of the Mobilia demonstration.

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