Universidad de Cantabria       |      zimbra

RESEARCH: Projects


Name:Intercommunication and Signaling System for Prisons - SISP v2
Duration:2000-01-01 - 2001-01-01
Programme:Industrial Project


University of CantabriaSPAIN

SISP (Intercommunication and Signaling System for Prisons) was carried out by University of Cantabria for CEM Empresas Group.

CEM Empresas Group had a former system deployed within several prisons in Portugal which was limited to control up to a maximum of 120 punishment cells. In this project, University of Cantabria worked together with Redifase (in charge of the hardware development) in order to redesign the former system and create a new communications protocol, able to integrate audio and data communications in the new system.

Actually, with SISP 2.0, it is possible to control up to a maximum of 1920 punishment cells; Furthermore, it can be done in a centralized manner, controlling all cells from the Building level, or by means of 4 controls at floor level or by 16 controls at corridor level.

We developed the software to enable Prison Controllers to attend the calls generated by the prisoners from their cells. This software also allows users to monitor the status of several input/output digital signals in the cells (like light, water, doors u other elements placed in a cell) as well as to detect the failures in the intercoms, generating different kind of alarms.

The Prison Controller can announce different messages over the PA system included in SISP. When a Controller finishes his work, he can transfer the control to the upper level. All the information generated is stored in different databases at corridor level, which are periodically transferred and replicated in the upper levels of the system.

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