- Name:
- Klaus-D. Hackbarth
- Position:
- University Professor
- Phone:
- +34 942 201 494
- Fax:
- +34 942 201 488
- Email:
- klaus@tlmat.unican.es
- Ubication:
- Laboratorios de I+D de Telecomunicaciones
Office S203
- April 1980
- Ph. D. Computer Science. Polytechnic University of Berlin.
- June 1980
- Telecommunication Engineer. Polytechnic University of Berlin.
Proffesional Experience
- Since 1980
- Participant as company delegate for operators in several European projects in the field of studies of telecommunication services and networks.
- Since 1980
- Development of telecommunication equipment and studies about the design, dimensioning and analysis of services and telecommunication networks (ANT, SEL, Deutsche Telekom DTAG, Telefónica I+D).
Research Lines
- Design, Dimensioning and Planning of Telecommunication Networks and Services (fixed, mobile, NGN, IMS,…).
- Service Cost Models and Studies.
- Telecommunication Services Regulatory Issues.
Research Projects
- DIDERO. 3th Generation Mobile Networks Planning Tool. (CYCIT project).
- Next Generation Networks under the integration of PSTN/ISDN services (studies for the Networks Federal Agency, Bonn, Germany; EETT, Atenas, Greece).
- Design of a broadband networks planning tool (CYCIT project).
- REPOSIT, Real Time Dynamic Bandwidth Optimisation in Satellite Networks Proyecto IST 2001-2004.
- Cost Model for terminating call services in 2nd and 3th generation mobile networks (studies for e-plus/KPN Duesseldorf, Germany , ACCC-Melbourne, Australia, OSIPTEL, Lima, Perú).
- Integration of the optical layer design in broadband networks (CYCIT project).
- Network of Excellence Euro-NGI / Euro-FGI, Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet.
- IP Multimedia System, IMS, and its influence in the convergence of fixed- mobile networks.
- Broadband Access Networks and its influence in Bitstream services (studies for the Networks Federal Agency, Bonn, Germany; EETT, Atenas, Greece).
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