Universidad de Cantabria       |      zimbra

TEACHING: Postgraduate


Official Postgraduate Program on Information Technologies and Mobile Networks.
60 ECTS credits.

The Master does not foresee any predefined itinerary or specialities. All the different courses are optional, but for one which introduces the students to research activities. Teaching activities are carried out by professors from the different universities which are part of the inter-university program, which in addition has been recognized with the quality mention, provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Therefore, some of the courses are remotely realized with videoconference support. The program includes a thorough study of the most novel aspects within mobile networks communications. The program embraces 32 different courses, aligned into five main areas, which are complementary between them, as well as a basic module on initialization to research activities. For obtaining the Master degree, a Master Thesis (16 ECTS cr) needs to be completed.

Within the Telematics (Communication Networks) area, the Master discusses different methods to increase the capacity of mobile and wireless communications systems, focusing on the analysis of different radio resource management procedures. In addition, special attention is paid to the different aspects which are influencing the Internet evolution towards 4th Generation communication networks. Six different courses are offered (with an overall load of 30 ECTS cr.).


Official Postgraduate Program in Economics, which is a joint activity from various departments of the University of Cantabria, Mundivia (a local company) and the ASCENTIC group.
600 hours.

The main goal of the Master in Business and Information Technologies is to provide a thorough formation, specialised and with a prominent practical component in the framework of the Information Technologies and Communications (ITC) and electronic business.

Students accomplishing this course will be able to design ITC solutions as well as to develop eBussiness strategies, and thus will be entitled to manage companies considering the characteristics of the new market models, even having the capacity of creating their own business perspectives. The idea is to offer a thorough theoretical and conceptual base on the essential methods and techniques to design, build and analyze, on an efficient way, solutions and services based on the extensive use of the ITC.

The students will be, moreover, able to establish, develop and promote solid business plans for all types of e-Business initiatives. In addition, the aim is to complement the existing knowledge of graduated students by means of a rigorous syllabus, sensible and with a large practical component, so as to facilitate the application of the new technologies to management tasks and furthermore to provide to the professionals the required knowledge so that they can adapt their companies to the challenges brought about by the use of ITC and e-Business.

From the whole 600 hours which the Master is composed of, 460 are traditional lectures, while 140 hours are devoted to the group-based work, which the students need to use so as to finalize their Final Master Thesis.

The master syllabus is organized in different modules, being the Group responsible for one of them, in which essential aspects on Communication Infrastructures and Services to support information technologies are covered.


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