Universidad de Cantabria       |      zimbra

RESEARCH: Projects


Name:Service Discovery Techniques Optimization for Wireless Heterogeneous Platforms - OSPIH
Duration:2006-10-01 - 2009-09-30
Programme:National Plan for R+D. Ref: TEC2006-05819


University of CantabriaSPAIN

This project aims at creating an embedded, open, operating system independent link-layer interface that optimize service discovery techniques to unify the various methods for accessing different multiplatform wireless links. Such optimization will be carried out through design, specification and implementation of a low and high level middleware entity which will imply context information exchange among upper and lower layers as well as adaptation to different applications and access technologies. It would enable portability of applications between devices using different, usually wireless, communication interfaces. This would be of special importance in the embedded sector, where interoperability issues and software portability can often be improved.

The software entity to be developed will specify methods for interrupt-type event triggering in both directions, that is, from the link layer to the service discovery middleware and applications and vice versa. This would enable operators and software vendors to provide new kinds of services and greatly enhance the user experience. Thus, applications could rapidly and properly adapt to changes in the network conditions through the context information provided by the interaction between such interface and the upper layers, being independent from the type of access technology underneath the link layer.

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